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Home > Products > California Native Plant Page

California Native Plant Page
Eriophyllum pictureFremontodendron pictureRomneya picture
Welcome to our new Native Plant Page. This page has links to the database entries for all of the California native plants that we grow and also features articles about native plants and links to other sites that have information about California native plants. The information is written by our staff horticulturist Randy Baldwin with contributuions by Carol Bornstein, author and past director of horticulture at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden.


Native Plant Articles

Arctostaphylos California's Native Jewels  
Ceanothus California's True Blues by Carol Bornstein  
Mimulus Masses of Monkeyflowers by Carol Bornstein  
Salvia Riders of the Purple Sage (many are natives!)  


Native Plant Books We Recomend
Native Plant Websites We Recomend

Native Plants We Grow

  • Abutilon palmeri - Indian Mallow
  • Achillea millefolium 'Island Pink' Island Pink Yarrow
  • Aesculus californica - California Buckeye
  • Agave - Century Plant
  • Allium unifolium - One-leaf onion
  • Arctostaphylos - Manzanita
  • Artemisia - California Sagebrush
  • Asclepias fascicularis - Narrow-leaved Milkweed
  • Asclepias speciosa - Showy Milkweed
  • Atriplex lentiformis 'Naomi' - Quail bush
  • Baccharis pilularis 'Pigeon Point' - Dwarf Coyote Brush
  • Berberis (Mahonia) - Oregon Grape
  • Bothriochloa barbinodis Silver Wormwood
  • Bouteloua (Mahonia) - Blue Grama Grass
  • Calamagrostis foliosus - Mendocino Reed Grass
  • Calamagrostis 'Little Nootka'(C. nutkaensis x C. foliosa) - Little Nootka Reed Grassi
  • Carex - Sedges
  • Carpenteria - California Anemone
  • Ceanothus - California Lilac
  • Cercis occidentalis - Redbud
  • Chilopsis linearis - Desert Willow
  • Chlorogalum pomeridianum - Soap Lily
  • Coreopsis gigantea [Leptosyne gigantea] - Giant Coreopsis
  • Cupressus - Cypress
  • Danthonia californica - California Oatgrass
  • Dendromecon harfordii - Island Bush Poppy
  • Dudleya - Live Forever
  • Eleocharis montevidensis - Sand Spikerush
  • Elymus - See Leymus
  • Encelia californica 'Paleo Yellow' - California Bush Sunflower
  • Epilobium [Zauschneria] - California Fuchsia
  • Erigeron - Seside Daisy
  • Eriogonum - Buckwheat
  • Eriophyllum nevinii 'Canyon Silver' [Constancea nevinii] - Woolly Sunflower
  • Eriophyllum staechadifolium - Seaside Woolly Sunflower
  • Erysimum insulare - Island Wallflower
  • Euphorbia xanti - Baja Spurge
  • Festuca californica 'River House Blues' - Ron's California Fescue
  • Festuca californica 'Willit's Giant' - Willit's California Fescue
  • Festuca rubra 'Point Joe' - Point Joe Fescue
  • Fremontodendron - Flannel Bush
  • Galvezia speciosa - [Gambelia speciosa] - Island Snapdragon
  • Garrya elliptica 'Evie' - Evie's Silk Tassel Bush
  • Grasses

  • Grindelia stricta var. platyphylla 'Ray's Carpet' - Coastal Gum Plant
  • Hesperoyucca [Yucca] - Our Lord's Candle

  • Heteromeles - Toyon, California Holly

  • Heuchera - Corral Bells and Alum Root

  • Hyptis 'Silver Lining' - Desert Lavender
  • Iris - Native Iris
  • Juncus - Rushes

  • Keckiella cordifolia 'Mountain Flare' - Orange Heartleaf Penstemon SMG 2016 Introduction
  • Lepechinia fragrans - Fragrant Pitcher Sage
  • Lessingia filaginifolia 'Silver Carpet' - Carpet Beach Aster
  • Leymus [Elymus] - Wild Rye

  • Lupines

  • Lyonothamnus asplenifolius - Island Ironwood
  • Marsilea vestita - Hairy Water Clover
  • Melica imperfecta - Coast Range Melic
  • Mimulus [Diplacus]- Monkeyflower

  • Monardella villosa ssp. franciscana 'Russian River' - Coyote Mint
  • Myrica californica - Pacific Wax Myrtle
  • Muhlenbergia asperifolia - Alkali Muhly
  • Muhlenbergia emersleyi - Bull Grass
  • Muhlenbergia rigens - Deer Grass
  • Nolina parryi ssp. wolfii - Giant Nolina
  • Penstemon - Beardtongue

  • Peritoma arborea [Isomeris] - Bladderpod
  • Platanus racemosa 'Witness Tree' - California Sycamore
  • Prunus ilicifolia ssp. lyonii - Catalina Cherry
  • Quercus - Oak
  • Rhamnus - Coffeeberry
  • Rhus integrifolia - Lemonade Berry
  • Rhus lentii - Pink Flowering Sumac
  • Rhus ovata - Sugar Bush
  • Ribes - Currants and Gooseberry's

  • Romneya coulteri - Matilija Poppy
  • Rosa californica 'Elsie' - California Rose
  • Salvia - Sage

  • Romneya coulteri - Matilija Poppy
  • Scirpus cernuus - Low Bulrush
  • Senecio palmeri 'Silver and Gold' - Guadalupe Island Senecio
  • Sisyrinchium

  • Solanum - Night Shade

  • Sphaeralcea 'La Luna' - La Luna Globemallow
  • Sporobolus wrightii - Sacaton
  • Symphiocarpos - Snowberry

  • Teucrium glandulosum 'Cedros' - Desert Germander
  • Trichostema - Bluecurls

  • Typha angustifolia - Cattail
  • Umbellularia californica - California Bay
  • Venegasia carpesioides - Canyon Sunflower
  • Verbena

  • Vitis 'Roger's Red' - Roger's California Grape
  • Yucca - See Hesperoyucca
  • Zauschneria- See Epilobium