Veltheimia bracteata Pastel Series |
Pastel Forest Lily - Semi-deciduous bulb 1' tall spreading to 2' wide w/yellow, peach or pink flwrs in winter-spring. Light shade. Regular/occasional water. Hardy to 20F.
[Veltheimia viridifolia, V. bracteata 'Aurea']
Veltheimia bracteata 'Yellow Comet' |
Yellow Forest Lily - Semi-deciduous bulb to 1' tall spreading to 2' wide with yellow flowers in winter-spring. Light shade. Regular/occasional water. Hardy to 20-25F
[Veltheimia viridifolia, V. bracteata 'Aurea']
Veltheimia capensis |
Sand Lily - Deciduous bulb to 1' tall with blue gray leaves and reddish pink flowers in fall into winter. Full sun. Summer Dry. Hardy to at least 28 degrees F.
[Velthemia glauca]
Verbena bonariensis |
Purple Top - Clump forming perennial to 4-6' tall with purple flowers in spring-fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Vitex agnus-castus Busy Bee ['JBG 19002'] PP 34,214 |
Busy Bee Dwarf Chaste Tree - Deciduous shrub w/attractive lvs & lavender-blue flwrs late spring & summer. Full sun. Little H2O. Hardy <0F. PP 34,214
[Vitex 'JBG 19002']
Vitex trifolia 'Purpurea' |
Arabian Lilac - Evergreen shrub/ small tree 10-15' tall & wide w/green & purple lvs & late summer-winter lavender flwrs. Full/part sun. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 20F.
[V. trifoliata var. purpurea, V. ' Fascination']
Vitis 'Roger's Red' |
Roger's California Grape - Deciduous vine that can grow 25-40 ft. tall w/dull green leaves that turn a rich red in autumn. Plant in sun/ shade. Low water needs. Hardy to <15 F.
Vitis vinifera 'Purpurea' |
Purpleleaf Grape - Deciduous vine w/10-20' long stems of lobed purple lvs, green flwrs & purple fruit. Full sun. Occasional to infrequent H2O. Hardy to 0F.
Vriecantarea 'Julietta' PP26,259 |
Large bromeliade 3' tall by 4' wde w/broad purple tinged leaves. Bright shade and regular irrigation. Protect from cold.
Vriesea 'Julietta'