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Succulents at San Marcos Growers
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now showing 1 - 20 of 59 : Letter O << back | next >>
Ochagavia litoralis Coastal Ochagavia - Rosette forming succulent w/1' long gray-green lvs & tight heads of pink flwrs in summer. Full sun to light shade. Little water. Hardy to 20 F.  [Fascicularia litoralis, C. carnea, Hort.] 
Ocimum labiatum Shell Bush - Evergreen shrub 3-5' tall & wide w/ aromatic lvs & pink-mauve flwrs summer-fall. Sun to light shade. Water regularly to infrequently. Hardy to 25-30  [Orthosiphon labiatus] 
Odontonema strictum Firespike - Evergreen shrub to 12'x10' with red flowers in summer and fall. Sun/ light shade. Regular watering. Hardy to 30-32 degrees F.  [O. tubaeforme, Justicia coccinea, Hort.] 
Olea europaea 'Manzanillo' Olive - Evergreen tree to 30' tall by 25'. Produces large black olives. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 15-20 degrees F.   
Olea europaea 'Montra' Little Olive - Evergreen shrub to 8' tall but kept much lower by pruning. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Great hedge plant. 15-20 degrees F.   
Olea europaea 'Wilson Fruitless' Wilson Fruitless Olive - Evergreen tree to 25' tall. Bares little to no mature fruit. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F.  [O. europaea 'Wilson', 'Wilsonii'] 
Olea europaea 'Wilson Fruitless' (Standard) Wilson Fruitless Olive - Evergreen tree to 25' tall. Bares little to no mature fruit. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F.  [O. europaea 'Wilson', 'Wilsonii'] 
Olmediella betschleriana Guatemalan Holly - Evergreen tree 25-40' tall or trimmed shrub wi/large green holly-like leaves w/copper new growth. Sun/shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.  [Ilex betschleriana] 
Operculicarya decaryi Elephant Tree - Succulent tree often kept as small bonsai-like plant w/tiny red tinged leaflets. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Operculicarya hyphaenoides Jabihy - Deciduous succulent shrub often kept as small bonsai-like plant w/tiny leaflets. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.   
Ophiopogon clarkei Himalayan Mondo Grass - Evergreen rhizomaous perennial to 8" tall w/arching narrow dark green lvs & pale purple flwrs. Sun/Light shade. Regular/little H2O. Hardy to <0 F.  [Mondo dracaenoides var. clarkei] 
Ophiopogon jaburan White Lilyturf - Clumping to 18" tall w/narrow dark green lvs w/white late spring-summer. Shade/ part sun. Regular H2O. Hardy to 0-10 F.   
Ophiopogon japonicus Mondo Grass - Evergreen spreading perennial to 6-9" tall w/narrow lvs & pale lilac summer flwrs. Part sun/light shade. Occasional to regular H2O. Hardy to 10-15 F.   
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Nigrescens' Black Mondo Grass - Evrgrn clumping perennial to 8" x12" w/black leaves & whitish lilac flowers in summer. Cool Sun/Light Shade. Water regularly. Hardy to -10 degrees F.  [O. 'Arabicus', O. planiscapus 'Kokuryu'] 
Ophiopogon planiscapus 'Teague's Black' Fine-leaf Black Mondo Grass - Evrgrn clumping perennial to 4-6" tall w/very narrow black leaves Cool Sun/Light Shade. Water regularly. Hardy to -10 degrees F.  [O. 'Arabicus', O. planiscapus 'Kokuryu'] 
Ophiopogon umbraticola National Arboretum Mondo Grass - Evergreen perennial to 4-6" tall w/ thin green lvs & summer pale lilac flws. Part sun to light shade. Water occasionally to regularly. Hardy to 0 F.  [Ophiopogon chingii, Hort.] 
Opuntia ficus-indica 'Burbank Spineless' Nopal - Cactus shrub to 6' tall w/spineless thick bluish-green pads. Orange-yellow flowers in spring-early summer. Edible fruits. 20-25 degrees F.   
Opuntia gomei 'Old Mexico' Old Mexico Pricklypear - Large cactus to 5' tall by 8' wide w/scalloped light green pads, yellow flwrs in late spring & summer. Full/ part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10F.  [O. undulata, Hort. O. lindheimeri cv.] 
Opuntia robusta Dinner Plate Nopal - Large cactus to 6-8' tall w/round gray pads, yellow flwrs in late spring & deep red fruit in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 5F.  [O. gorda] 
Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum Fringed Chincherinchee - Bulbous plant w/short fringe edged green lvs & fragrant white flwrs. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O except in dry springs. Hardy to 20-25F.   
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