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now showing 1 - 20 of 95 : Letter R << back | next >>
Rhagodia spinescens Creeping Australian Saltbush - Evergreen soft gray foliaged shrub 6-18" tall (S. Cal - taller in N. Cal) x 8' wide - climbs w/ support. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20 F.  [R. deltophylla, R. spinescens inermis] 
Rhamnus alaternus Italian Buckthorn - Upright evergreen shrub 12-15' tall by 6-8' wide. Greenish-yellow flowers in spring. Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. 10-15 degrees F.   
Rhamnus alaternus 'Variegata' Variegated Buckthorn - Evergreen shrub to 8-12' tall w/cream variegated leaves & greenish-yellow flowers in spring. Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. 10-15 degrees F  [Rhamnus alaternus 'Argenteo-variegata'] 
Rhamnus californica Coffeeberry - Evergreen shrub to 6-8' tall x 6-8' wide with red berries later turning black. Sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.  [Frangula californica] 
Rhamnus californica 'Eve Case' Coffeeberry - Compact evergreen shrub to 6-8' tall & a bit wider w/3" long green leaves & black berries. Sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. 10-15 degrees F.  [Frangula californica] 
Rhamnus californica 'Leatherleaf' Coffeeberry - Evergreen shrub to 6-8' and as wide with 3" long green leathery leaves & black berries. Sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. 10-15 degrees F.  [Frangula californica] 
Rhamnus californica 'Mound San Bruno' Coffeeberry - Evergreen shrub typically to 5-6' tall by a bit wider with green leaves and reddish black berries. Sun/Light shade. Drought tolerant. 10-15F.  [Frangula californica] 
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Clara' Indian Hawthorn - Evergreen shrub to 4-5' tall & wide w/white flowers in spring. Full sun/Light shade. Infrequent to Occasional irrigation. Hardy to 5 degrees F.  [Raphiolepis] 
Rhaphiolepis indica 'Fiesta' PP21,417 Variegated Indian Hawthorn - Evergreen shrub to 3-4' tall w/cream edged lvs & spring white flwrs. Full Sun. Infrequent/occasional H2O. Hardy to 10F. Plant Propagation Prohibited.  [Raphiolepis] 
Rhaphiolepis umbellata Yeddo Hawthorn - Evergreen shrub to 6-8' tall & wide w/rounded lvs & white flwrs in spring. Full sun/light shade. Drought & seaside tolerant. Hardy to 15 degrees F.  [Raphiolepis, Rhaphiolepis ovata] 
Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Minor' Dwarf Yeddo Hawthorn - Evergreen shrub 4-7' tall x 3-4' wide w/dark green lvs & white flwrs in spring/yr round. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10-15 F.  [Raphiolepis, Rhaphiolepis ovata 'Minor'] 
Rhodanthemum hosmariens Moroccan Daisy - Perennial w/dissected gray leaves 8" tall x 24" wide w/white flowers in fall-winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.  [Chrysanthemum, Pyrethropsis, Leucanthemum] 
Rhodocoma capensis Cape Restio - Grass like plant to 3-6' tall with fine foliage on whorls of branchlets. Full sun. Occasional to regular irrigation. Hardy to 20-25F   
Rhodophiala bifida Oxblood Lily - Summer dormant bulb w/1' tall grass-like lvs that grow fall to spring w/ 15" red flowers in fall. Sun/shade. Regular water. Hardy to<0 F.  [Hippeastrum bifidum] 
Rhoicissus capensis Evergreen Grape - Vigorous evergreen vine with grape-like foliage. Full sun (coast) to part sun. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy to 25 degrees F.  [Rhoicissus tomentosa] 
Rhus integrifolia Lemonade Berry - Evergreen shrub to 6-10'+ tall x 1--15' wide - lower near coast. White/pink spring flwrs w/red fruis. Sun/Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15F.  [Schmaltzia integrifolia] 
Rhus lentii Pink Flowering Sumac - Evergreen shrub to 5-8' tall by 8-15+' wide w/gray-green lvs & pink flwrs late winter-spring. Full/part sun. Little irrigation. Hardy to 20-25F.   
Rhus ovata Sugar Bush - Evergreen shrub 5-10' x 10'+ w/glossy leaves and whitish pink flowers in early spring. Sun/Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.  [Schmaltzia ovata] 
Rhus virens Evergreen Sumac - Large semi-evergreen shrub 8-12' tall w/fragrant white flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Little irrigation. Hardy to 10F.   
Ribes viburnifolium Catalina Currant - Evergreen shrub to 3-4'x4-6' w/rose-pink flowers in spring. Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.   
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