Hakea laurina |
Pin-cushion Hakea - Shrub/ small tree to 12-20' tall w/narrow blue-green lvs & red & white flwrs in winter. Full sun. Good drainage. Little water required. Hardy to 20F.
[Hakea eucalyptoides]
Halimium atriplicifolium |
Yellow Rock Rose - A spreading, 4 ft.tall shrub w/silver/grey foliage & golden-yellow flwrs that bloom in June. Full sun. Little H20 once established. Hardy to 25-30F.
[Halimium atriplexifolium]
Hardenbergia violacea 'Canoelands' |
Purple Vine Lilac - Evergreen twining vine to 15' w/narrow leaves. Pinkish-purple flowers in late winter-early spring. Sun/Light shade. 20-25 F.
[Hardenbergia monophylla]
Hardenbergia violacea 'Happy Wanderer' |
Purple Vine Lilac - Evergreen twining vine to 15' w/ dark green lvs & pinkish-purple flwrs late winter-early spring. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 F.
[Hardenbergia monophylla]
Haworthia attenuata 'Super Clone' |
Succulent w/clusters of 8" rosettes of triangular leaves marked in white &white flowers in spring. Full/part sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
{Haworthiopsis attenuata cv.]
Hechtia marnier-lapostollei |
Terrestrial bromeliad to 1' tall with clusters of rosettes of hard recurved silver lvs. Full sun. Low water requirements. Hardy to at least 25F.
Hechtia 'Oaxaca' |
Clusters to 2' tall of rosettes w/narrow silver-gray leaves w/reddish teeth. Full sun. Little/no H2O. Hardy to 25-30F.
Hechtia rosea |
Red Leaved Hechtia - Succulent with stout red leaves w/rigid teeth & 2-3' tall spikes of red flwrs spring & fall. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[H. macdougallii]
Hechtia 'Silver Star' |
Clumping bromeliad w/ tight rosettes of silver red tinged foliage. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25? degrees F.
Hechtia 'Tehuacan' |
Clumping bromeliad w/rosettes of red spotted green foliage leaves w/white flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F
Hechtia tillandsioides |
Grassy Hechtia - Grasslike succulent to 1' tall x 3' wide w/rosettes of gray-green lvs & spring purple flwrs. Full coastal to part sun. Ocassional H2O. Hardy to 30F.
[Bakerantha tillandsioides]
Helianthemum 'Belgravia Rose' |
Evergreen groundcover 6-8" tall by 3' wide. Dark green foliage & deep rose-pink flowers in spring. Full sun. Low Water Needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Helianthemum 'Wisley Primrose' |
Wisley Primrose Sunrose - Evergreen groundcover to 6-8" tall by 3' wide. Full sun. Low Water Needs. Gray foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Helichrysum petiolare 'Limelight' |
Limelight Licorice Plant - Evergreen shrub to 1-2' tall by 4-6' wide w/yellow chartreuse lvs. Plant in cool sun/light shade. Water regularly/infrequently. Hardy to 25-30 F.
[Helichrysum petiolatum 'Aurea']
Helictotrichon sempervirens |
Blue Oat Grass - Evergreen grass to 2' tall with narrow gray radiating lvs & light tan flowers in summer. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. Hardy to <0 degrees F.
Heliotropium arborescens |
Common Heliotrope - Shrub 4-5' tall by 6-8' tall w/light lavender fragrant flwrs spring to fall. Sun/Light Shade. Regular/occasional watering. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
[H. peruvianum]
Heliotropium arborescens 'Lotusland' |
Lotusland Heliotrope - Shrub 4-5' tall by 6-8' tall w/lavender fragrant flwrs spring to fall. Sun/Light Shade. Regular/occasional watering. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
[H. peruvianum]
Heliotropium sp. 'Ecuador' |
Ecuadorian Heliotrope - Upright shrub 7' tall by 3' wide w/light lavender flowers spring -fall. Sun/Light Shade. Regular/occasional watering. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Hemerocallis 'Bitsy' |
Evergreen perennial 12" grassy foliage w/ 24" tall spike of yellow flowers spring-summer. Sun/Light shade. Moderate watering. Hardy <0 degrees F.
Hemerocallis 'Cranberry Baby' |
Dwarf Red Daylily - Deciduous perennial to 12" tall. Cranberry red flowers in spring/fall. Full sun/Light shade. Moderate watering. Hardy to <15 degrees F.