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  for JULY

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Succulents at San Marcos Growers
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now showing 41 - 60 of 118 : Letter D << back | next >>
Dodonaea microzyga Brilliant Hop-bush - Upright evergreen shrub 4-6' tall with tiny lvs and red winged fruit. Full/part Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.   
Dodonaea viscosa 'Purpurea' Purple-leafed Hop-bush - Evergreen rapid growing shrub to 12-16' tall by 8-12' wide w/purple burgundy foliage. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F.   
Dombeya cacuminum Strawberry Snowball Tree - Evergreen tree. Part sun. Moderate water. Rose-red flowers in spring. 50' x 25'. 25-30 degrees F.   
Dombeya elegans Pink Shrub Dombeya - A large evergreen shrub 6-12' tall w/pink snowball flwrs spring to fall. Full sun/part shade w/occasional irrigation. Hardy to 20-25° F  [Dombeya burgessiae] 
Dombeya wallichii Pink Ball Tree - Small tree to 25' tall w/broad lvs and large fragrant balls of pink flowers bloom in fall/winter. Sun or shade. Not frost hardy. Prefers moist soil.   
Doryanthes palmeri Giant Spear Lily - Evergreen plant w/long pleated lvs to 8' tall. Large red flwrs on stalks angling above foliage in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F.  [D. excelsa var. palnieri] 
Dorycnium hirsutum Hairy Canaryflower - Evergreen subshrub to 2'x3' w/gray-white lvs & pinkish white flwrs summer-fall and red-brown fruit. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Evergreen to 20 F.  [Lotus hirsutus, Cytisus lotus, Bonjeanea hirsuta] 
Dracaena draco Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree to 25'x25' w/ swollen stems & gray soft sword-like leaves. Full sun/part shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.  [Asparagus draco] 
Dracaena draco 'Azores' Azores Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree to 15' tall w/ swollen stems & gray soft sword-like leaves. Full sun/part shade. Low water needs. Hardy to 25 degrees F.  [Asparagus draco] 
Dracaena serrulata Arabian Dragon Tree - Evergreen succulent tree 10-15' tall w/ stiff narrow gray soft sword-like lvs. Full sun. Well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.  [D. angustifolia] 
Drimia maritima Sea Squill - Deciduous bulb w/2' long leaves in winter/ spring. White flower on tall stalks to 3-4' in summer. Full Sun. Low water needs. 20-25 degrees F.  [Urginea maritima, Scilla maritima] 
Drimia media Jeukbol - Evergreen bulb with narrow upright lvs & greenish white summer flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Regular to little H2O. Hardy to low 20'sF.   
Drosanthemum micans Robertson Dewflower - Succulent subshrub 1-2' tall x 2-3 wide w/bright green lvs and red & yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.  [Mesembryanthemum micans] 
Drosanthemum speciosum Royal Dewflower - Succulent subshrub 2-3' tall & wide w/pale green lvs and orange-red flwrs spring-summer. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.  [Mesembryanthemum speciosum] 
Dudleya brittonii Giant Chalk Dudleya - Rosette forming succulent 18" wide w/chalky white lvs & pale yellow flwrs spring/summer. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little summer H2O. Hardy to 15F.   
Dudleya pachyphytum Cedros Island Live-Forever - Rosette forming succulent w/thick powdery white-gray lvs & white flwrs in summer. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little/No summer H2O. Hardy to 15F.   
Dudleya 'Palos Verdes' White Live-Forever - Rosette forming succulent w/lance shaped white-gray lvs and salmon flowers ispring/summer. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 20F.   
Dudleya pulverulenta Chalk Live-Forever - Rosette forming succulent w/powdery white-gray lvs and red flowers in spring/summer. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little/No summer H2O. Hardy to 15F.   
Duranta erecta 'Alice Keck Park' Brazilian Sky Flower - Evergreen shrub/small tree to 25' tall w/ blue flwrs spring-fall &yellow berries. Good espalier. Full/part sun. Medium water needs. Hardy to 20-25 F.  [Duranta repens] 
Duranta erecta 'Variegata' Variegated Sky Flower - Evergreen shrub to 25' tall w/white variegated foliage & blue flwrs in summer. Full to part sun. Medium water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F.   
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