[2nd Image]
Category: Succulent |
Family: Crassulaceae (Stonecrops) |
Origin: South Africa (Africa) |
Evergreen: Yes |
Flower Color: White |
Bloomtime: Winter/Spring |
Synonyms: [Crassula argentea, C.portulacea] |
Height: 4-6 feet |
Width: 4-5 feet |
Exposure: Light Shade/Part Sun |
Summer Dry: Yes |
Irrigation (H2O Info): No Irrigation required |
Winter Hardiness: 25-30° F |
May be Poisonous (More Info): Yes |
Crassula ovata 'Big Alice' (Large Jade Plant) - A many-branching succulent shrub with thick stems that hold 3 inch long glossy-green, obovate leaves that have a thin margin of red near the tips. Grows to 3 to 5 feet tall by nearly as wide with white star-like flowers in clusters within the foliage in late winter into spring. Plant in part sun, drought tolerant. Not hardy for prolonged periods below 30° F but can survive short durations of temperatures to around 26°F. Good container plant for areas with cold winters as plant can be brought inside and not irrigated during winter months. The species has long been grown worldwide as a houseplant but in nature inhabits rocky outcrops in Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa. The genus Crassula was a name Linnaean name first used in 1753 and comes from the Latin word 'crassus' meaning "thick" that refers to the thick plump leaves of many of the genus. The specific epithet comes the ovate leaves. Though th most common of its common names is jade plant, other names include jade tree, baby jade, friendship tree, lucky plant, Japanese rubberplant, Japanese laurel, kerky-bush, cauliflower ears, dollarplant and money tree. This unnamed cultivar was one of many Crassula ovata seedlings that we received from Alice Waidhofer in 2004 and it impressed us with its large luxurious leaves which is a good foil for the small star shaped white flowers. We also grow several other Crassula ovata cultivars, including 'Crosby's Dwarf', 'Gollum', 'Hummel's Sunset', and 'Pink Beauty'.
The information about Crassula ovata 'Big Alice' that is displayed on this web page is based on research conducted in our nursery's horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We will also include observations made about this plant as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens that we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We also incorporate comments that we receive from others and welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they share cultural information that aids others growing this plant.
Please note that after 46 years in business, San Marcos Growers will be discontinuing nursery operations by the end of 2025 and the property will be developed for affordable housing.