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Home > Products > Suculents > Crassula Family Search

The Crassula Family is a large family with 33 genera and 1,400 species that comes from primarily semiarid habitats. The family has nearly cosmopolitan distribution with centers of diversity found in Mexico, South Africa, Macaronesia, and the Himalayas. They are unarmed leafy plants often with succulent stems or caudices.

Crassula Family
now showing 1 - 20 of 256 results << back | next >>
Adromischus cristatus Crinkle-Leaf Plant - Small succulent to 4-6" tall with brown aerial roots and undulating triangular leaves. Plant in full/part sun in well drained soil. Hardy to 25 F. 
Aeonium 'Alice Keck Park' Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F 
Aeonium arboreum Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 2-3' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' Purple Aeonium - Succulent to 3' tall w/purple rosettes & yellow flowers in late spring/ early summer. Full to part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Electra' Purple Pinwheel Aeonium - Succulent w/uniform heads of purple lvs on 1-2' tall stems & yellow summer flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Tip Top' Dwarf Tree Aeonium - Succulent w/rosettes of red lvs on <1' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' Black Rose Aeonium - Succulent w/black-purple foliage on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs in summer. Part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28 degrees F. 
Aeonium aureum Green Rose Buds - Succulent w/green lvs that ball up w/summer dormancy. Yellow flwrs when plant matures. Cool sun/shade. Good drainage. Little Summer H20. Hardy to 28F 
Aeonium balsamiferum Balsam Houseleek - Succulent w/rosettes of green lvs on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs spring/ summer. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium 'Blackbeard' Blackbeard Aeonium - Succulent w/dark purple- red leaves in rosettes on 2-4' tall stems. Full sun/light shade in well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Aeonium 'Blushing Beauty' Blushing Aeonium - Succulent w/red tinged green leaves in rosettes on 1-2' tall stems. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Irrigate occasionally. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Aeonium 'Bronze Medal' Bronze Medal House Leek - Succulent 18" tall shrub w/tight rosettes of bronze tinged green lvs & yellow flwrs. Full/part sun. Little H20. Hardy to 25F. 
Aeonium canariensis var. virgineum Virgin Ravine Aeonium - Clustering succulent to 12" tall w/rosettes of red tinged fuzzy green lvs. Full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 25 degrees F 
Aeonium 'Carol' Succulent to 18" tall with red tinged green leaves in flat rosettes. Plant in full coastal sun to light shade. Occasional water. Hardy to 28 degrees F 
Aeonium castello-paivae 'Suncup' Small subshrub to 1' tall w/rosettes of pale green lvs splashed w/white & spring white flwrs. Cool sun/bright shade. Little H2O. Hardy to around 25F. 
Aeonium ciliatum Succulent w/gray-green lvs in rosettes on stout-stems 4-6' tall & white summer flwrs . Full sun(coastal)/light shade. Occasional water. Hardy 25-30 F. 
Aeonium 'Cyclops' Giant Red Aeonium - Succulent w/red-tinged lvs w/green center in rosettes on 3-4' tall stems. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Aeonium decorum Green Pinwheel - Evergreen succulent to 1 ft. tall w/green leaves in large rosettes and soft pink flowers. Full sun. Medium to low water needs. Hardy to 30F. 
Aeonium decorum 'Berry Nice' Red Striped Pinwheel - Evergreen branching succulent to 1 ft. tall w/red striped green lvs in 3" rosettes & soft pink flwrs. Full sun. Medium/low water needs. Hardy to 30F. 
Aeonium 'Firecracker' Firecracker Houseleek - Low growing succulent groundcover w/rosettes of red tipped green lvs and yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun/light shade. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F. 
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