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Senecio scaposa flowering. |
The Aster Family (Asteraceae) is one of the largest plant families with an estimation of over 32,000 known species in over 1,900 genera with a worldwide distribution on every continent except Antarctica. Only the Orchid family (Orchidaceae) is thought to be larger but the total accurate count of taxa in both families is still climbing as new plants are described. The unifying characteristic of the family is the composite flower that groups many, often in the hundreds, tiny individual florets that are held together in a flower head called a capitulum (the plural is capitula). With some species, such as in the iconic member of the family, the sunflower, the outer ring of these florets has a ray flower with a large petal extending outward, but often the entire capitulum is composed of a tight cluster of disk flowers. The plant types of the family range from tiny annuals, biennials, perennials, shrubs, vines up to large trees. There are also many succulent members of the family, including those that have succulent leaves, succulent stems, a swollen basal caudex (caudiciform) or in some cases all of these. While a good majority of these plants are found in southern Africa, there are other succulent asters native to other parts of the world as well. As with other plants the has been a lot of reclassification of the succulent asters due to modern DNA evidence and nomenclatural discoveries about the earliest names.
Succulent Asters |
A descriptive list with links to detail information and images of the succulent Asters that we have at San Marcos Growers. |
Some additional information about the succulent plants in the Aster family that we have at the nursery |
Caputia |
Senecio medley-woodii, S. scaposus and S. tomentosa (S. haworthii) have been reclasssified as species of the genus Caputia, but for convenience we still list them under Senecio.
Coreopsis gigantea |
Our beautiful coastal California native Giant Coreopsis is a succulent daisy now reclassified as Leptosyne gigantea! |
Curio |
Sencio archeri, S. ficoides and S. mandraliscae have been reclasssified as species of the genus Curio, but for convenience we still list them under Senecio.
Senecio amaniensis,S. anteuphorbium, S. barbertonicus, S. cylindricus, S. jacobsenii, S. kleinia (S. nerifolia) have been returned to the genus Kleinia, but for convenience we still list them under Senecio. |
Othonna capensis |
Named in 1901 by American horticulturalis Liberty Hyde Bailley was reclassified as Crassothonna capensis in 2012, but we still list it as Othonna! |
Senecio |
We grow many succulent plants that are or were until recently in the genus Senecio, and they are all listed here.
Senecio amaniensis |
The true Senecio amaniensis is quite different from what is sold in the trade under this name. |
Senecio 'Blazing Glory' |
What species does this beautiful red flowering cultivar belong to and where did it come from? |
Sencio decaryi |
This is the correct name for the plant often sold in the California nursery trade as Senecio amaniensis.
Senecio kleinia
A large shruby stem succulent shrub that has more recently been reclassified as Kleinia nerifolia, but for convenience we still list it as a Senecio kleinia. |
Senecio praecox
A tall Mexican stem succulent shrub that at times has been reclassified as Pittocaulon praecox but for convenience we still list it as a Senecio. |