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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Bamboo

Plant Category: Bamboo
This is a diverse group of woody culmed plants within the grass family (Poaceae), cosmopolitan in distribution, with over 1,200 species ranging from miniatures to towering giants over 150 feet. Bamboo provides for food needs, medicinal ingredients, the timber for structures, fences, poles, thatch for roofs and basketry and beauty for the garden. Also see our Bamboo Page for more information.
now showing 1 - 20 of 32 << back | next >>
Bambusa beecheyana Beechey Bamboo - Bamboo. To 50' tall with 5” culms. Clumping with large arching stems. Give occasional irrigation. Full sun. Hardy to 15 degrees F. 
Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Green Stripe' Green Stripe Blowgun Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 25' tall with 2" wide yellow-green culms with a dark green stripe. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 25F. 
Bambusa lako Timor Black Bamboo - Large upright tropical clumping bamboo to 20-30' tall with dark black culms. Plant in full sun. Water and fertilize regularly. Hardy to 25F. 
Bambusa malingensis Seabreeze Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 35' tall w/ 2 1/2" wide (usually smaller) dark green culms w/small dark green leaves. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 21F. 
Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonso-Karr' Alphonse Karr Bamboo - Clumping bamboo with green striped yellow culms to 25' tall by 1 1/2" wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F. 
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' Golden Goddess Bamboo - Clumping Bamboo with thin green culms to 6'-10' tall by 1/2” wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F. 
Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' Chinese Goddess Bamboo - A fine textured small clumping bamboo to 6' tall with ¼” culms. Sun/Light Shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 12 degrees F. Great container bamboo! 
Bambusa oldhamii Giant Timber Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 55' tall w/4" wide straight vertical culms. Full sun. Low water needs but best if given an occasional irrigation. 15 degrees F. 
Bambusa textilis Weaver's Bamboo - Tight clumping bamboo to 40' tall w/ 2" wide pale green culms w/ light blue cast - arches gracefully. Full sun. Moderate water needs. To 10-15 F. 
Bambusa ventricosa Buddha's Belly Bamboo - A tight clumping and arching bamboo to 12-15' tall w/ 1" wide green culms that bulge at nodes. Full/part sun. Moderate water needs. To 20-25 F. 
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' Painted Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 30-50' with 4" wide golden culms striped with green that arch over toward tips. Full sun. Occasional water. Hardy to 27 degrees F. 
Borinda fungosa Chocolate Bamboo - Medium small sized clumping bamboo w/dark chocolate brown culms & clusters of narrow leaves. Full coastal sun/ light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 15F. 
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis Square Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20' tall with 1" wide square green culms. Coastal sun/ light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to 15 F. 
Chusquea coronalis Mexican Climbing Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 15' tall w/arching ¾” culms bearing tiny leaves encircling culm. Sun/Light shade. 8'-15' tall. Water regularly. Hardy to 25 F. 
Dendrocalamus asper Giant Burmese Timber Bamboo - Large clumping bamboo to 60'+ (100') tall w/ 8" culms. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 23 degrees F. Shoots edible. 
Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima' Shiro-shima-inyo - Slender stem, running bamboo to 10-15' tall with 4-6" long green & white striped lvs. Part sun. Irrigate occasionally. Hardy below 0 F. 
Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa' Candy-Stripe Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 20-30 ft tall with up to 2” wide green, striped w/ yellow culms that blush pink in spring. Cool sun/light shade. Hardy to 15 F 
Himalayacalamus hookerianus Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 12-18' tall with up to 3/4" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F. 
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Baby Blue' Dwarf Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 5-7' tall with up to 1/4" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F. 
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue' Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 15-20' tall with up to 1" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F. 
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