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Home > Resources > Solutions > Plants for the Seaside

Gardening and plant choices for seaside gardens is a challenge for landscape professionals and homeowners alike. Not only is the air and soil perpetually salty but often a seaside garden is buffeted by a steady and often ferocious winds that can whip salt spray and sand to blast even the toughest plants. Since our nursery is located less then a mile from the Pacific Ocean and there are many nearby coastal gardens, we asked regularly which plants perform best in these conditions. In 1998 the nursery put together an display for the Santa Barbara Fair and Expo displaying plants appropriate for gardens near the beach and we added the ability to search our website for these plants. The following list searches our current database for plants most tolerant of these conditions. Even more information can be found on our Seaside Tolerant Plant List. This list was put together at San Marcos Growers by compiling many other beachside lists to create what we believe to be the most exstensive beach planting list available.

Plants for the Seaside
now showing 1 - 20 of 336 results << back | next >>
Abelia x grandiflora 'Kaleidoscope' PP16,988 Kaleidoscope Abelia - Evergreen shrub 2-3' tall x 3-4' wide w/yellow variegated lvs & white flwrs summer-fall. Sun/Light shade. Moderate water. Hardy to <15 degrees F 
Abelia x grandiflora 'Sherwoodii' Dwarf Abelia - Evergreen shrub to 3-4' tall by 5' wide w/glossy lvs & lavender flwrs in summer-fall. Full sun. Moderate irrigation. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Acacia baileyana Fernleaf Acacia - Evergreen tree to 30'x40' w/ yellow flowers in early spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F. 
Acacia baileyana 'Purpurea' Purple Fernleaf Acacia - Evergreen tree to 20-30' tall by equal width w/purple new growth & yellow flwrs in spring. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F 
Acacia boormanii Snowy River Wattle - Fine textured upright evergreen shrub to 15 ft tall by 12 ft. wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 10-15 degrees F. 
Acacia cultriformis Knifeleaf Wattle - Evergreen small tree/ large bush to 10-15' tall x 10-15' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Acacia iteaphylla Willow Wattle - Evergreen shrub to 10' by 13' w/pale yellow flwrs in spring. Drought tolerant. Coastal plantings. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy 15-20 degrees F. 
Acacia longifolia Golden Wattle - Evergreen shrub 10-20' h x 10-20' w. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Sea coast tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Acacia melanoxylon Black Acacia - Large evergreen tree to 40' tall x 20' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Creamy-yellow flower in winter-spring. Hardy to 15-20 degrees F 
Acacia podalyriifolia Pearl Acacia - Evergreen small tree 20' tall x 15' wide w/ round gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flwrs in winter-spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Acacia stenophylla Shoe-String Acacia - Evergreen tree to 30' tall by 20' wide w/unusual narrow gray foliage. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flwrs in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F 
Acacia vestita Hairy Wattle - Evergreen shrub/ small tree 12-15' tall x 12-15' wide. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Yellow flowers in spring. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Adenanthos cuneatus 'Coral Drift' Flame Bush - Evergreen low shrub 2-4' tall by 3-5' wide w/gray leaves, red new growth & red flowers in spring/fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F. 
Adenanthos sericeus Coast Woollybush - Evergreen fine textured upright shrub to 6-10' tall with soft gray foliage. Full sun. Low water needs. Red flowers year-round. 20-25 degrees F. 
Adenanthos 'Silver Haze' Silver Haze Woollybush - Evergreen shrub 6' x 6' w/silver-gray lvs & spring red flwrs. Full sun.Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25-30F. UCSC Koala Blooms Intro. 
Adenanthos x cunninghamii Albany Woollybush - Evergreen fine textured low shrub 3' high by 7' wide w/gray leaves and red flowers in spring/fall. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F. 
Aechmea caudata var. variegata Variegated Tail Bromeliad - Evergreen bromeliad to 3' tall w/cream striped lvs & yellow flwrs w/red buds & bracts. Full sun/part shade. Occasional H20. Hardy to 20F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Atropurpureum' Purple Aeonium - Succulent to 3' tall w/purple rosettes & yellow flowers in late spring/ early summer. Full to part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Electra' Purple Pinwheel Aeonium - Succulent w/uniform heads of purple lvs on 1-2' tall stems & yellow summer flwrs. Full/part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28F. 
Aeonium arboreum 'Zwartkop' Black Rose Aeonium - Succulent w/black-purple foliage on 3-4' tall stems & yellow flwrs in summer. Part sun. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 28 degrees F. 
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