Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' |
Painted Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 30-50' with 4" wide golden culms striped with green that arch over toward tips. Full sun. Occasional water. Hardy to 27 degrees F.
Ipomoea indica |
Blue Dawn Flower - Evergreen vine that spreads fast to 25' w/bright blue flowers in late spring-fall. Full sun. Moderate watering. Hardy to 15F/ evergreen to about 25F.
Musa 'Ice Cream' |
Ice Cream Banana - Evergreen perennial to 15-18' tall. Burgundy flowers in summer followed by clusters of sweet fruit. Full sun. High water needs. 20-25 degrees F.
Nephrolepis cordifolia |
Sword Fern - Spreading fern with upright leaves to 2-3' tall. Plant in full sun(coastal) to shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F.
Nephrolepis cordifolia 'Lemon Buttons' |
Button Sword Fern - Fern with 10" long fronds with small round leaves. Nephrolepis cordifolia cultivar. Bright shade with regular water. Hardy to 19 F.
Sagittaria lancifolia |
Duck Potato - Aquatic plant. Sun/Light shade. White flowers in summer. 3-4' tall. Hardy <15 degrees F. Plant in saturated soil to 12" deep in water.
Sagittaria latifolia |
Arrowhead - Aquatic plant w/arrowhead-like lvs & 3-4' tall white flwrs in summer. Sun/Light shade. Plant in saturated soil to 12" deep in water. Hardy.