Juncus polyanthemos (Australian Gray Rush) - A 3- to 4-foot-tall clump forming rush with slender (1/8-1/4 inch wide) gray-green cylindrical leaves rise nearly vertically and then arch slightly away from the center of the plant and dance about with the slightest breeze. In summer appear clusters of small reddish-brown flowers near the leaf tips.
Quite the adaptable plant, growing in shallow water, along the water's edge or up on the dry land in full sun to part shade. Is fairly drought tolerant but dwarfed in these conditions - best in full sun with regular to occasional irrigation where its silver-gray coloration is enhanced and the plant can gain full stature. It is hardy to at least 10-15 °F and useful in gardens in USDA Zone 8 and above. Though not necessary, this rush can be cut back nearly to the ground in late winter so fresh new growth emerges in spring. An attractive plant that is useful in the garden or as a container specimen for its geometric hard lines that contrast well with softer foliage.
In its natural setting this rush can be found growing in coastal areas of Australia. The name for the genus comes from the Latin word 'iuncus' which was the ancient word for Rushes and came from the word 'iungere' meaning "to join" and was in reference to the use of Rushes for cordage and tying. The specific epithet means "with many flowers". Another common name sometimes used is Australian Silver Rush. We originally received this plant from Gary Hammer in 1991 and grew it in our nursery from 1994 to 1996, discontinuing it then only for no other reason than it seemed underappreciated.
This information about Juncus polyanthemos displayed is based on research conducted in our horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also will relate observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments that we receive from others and we welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share any cultural information that would aid others in growing it.