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Products > Cordyline banksii Electric Star ['Sprilecstar'] PP24,164
Cordyline banksii Electric Star ['Sprilecstar'] PP24,164 - Electric Star Grass Tree

Note: This plant is not currently for sale. This is an archive page preserved for informational use.  
Image of Cordyline banksii Electric Star ['Sprilecstar'] PP24,164
[2nd Image]
Habit and Cultural Information
Category: Tree
Family: Dracaenaceae (~Agaveaceae)
Origin: New Zealand (Australasia)
Evergreen: Yes
Red/Purple Foliage: Yes
Variegated Foliage: Yes
Flower Color: White
Bloomtime: Spring
Fragrant Flowers: Yes
Synonyms: [C. australis 'Electric Star']
Height: 4-8 feet
Width: 3-4 feet
Exposure: Sun or Shade
Irrigation (H2O Info): Low Water Needs
Winter Hardiness: <15° F
Cordyline banksii Electric Star ['Sprilecstar'] PP24,164 - (Electric Star Grass Tree) - An interestingly colored plant with a clumping upright habit with many narrow leaves that appear mostly green but have a deep burgundy central stripe - very unusual! Like its sister Cordyline 'Electric Pink', this cultivar is a bit of a mystery - its growth habit appears similar in appearance to other brightly colored Cordyline australis cultivars, though it seems to be more clump forming with a developing caudex. It is listed as a cultivar of Cordyline banksii, the Forest Cabbage Tree or Ti Ngahere that clumps more like a Phormium and this parentage could make this plant a smaller more clumping species rather than having tree-like stature of the Cordyline australis cultivars, which easily reach 25 ft. tall. Though usually listed as a plant only growing to 4 feet we have found reports of it exceeding 6 feet in Australia and if related to 'Electric Pink', then growing even taller is not out of the question. The tallest plants we have measured of 'Electric Pink' are about 7 feet tall with considerable basal branching, thus the taller stems could be cut out to maintain a lower clumping plant. As with other Cordyline it will be best with a well-drained soil and will likely by fairly drought tolerant in coastal gardens but more lush with regular irrigation and should prove hardy to around 15° F, growing well in USDA zones 9-10. This plant from Sprint Horticulture of Wamberal, New South Wales is protected overseas under the Plant Breeders Rights (PBR) program and was issued US Plant Patent number 24,164 on January 14, 2014. The image courtesy of Sprint Horticulture. We discontinued growing this item in 2016 - while this plant grew well initially, it would sometimes initiate very colorful shoots having little chlorophyll and then lose vigor with age. 

This information about Cordyline banksii Electric Star ['Sprilecstar'] PP24,164 displayed is based on research conducted in our horticultural library and from reliable online resources. We also will relate observations made about it as it grows in our nursery gardens and other gardens we have visited, as well how the crops have performed in containers in our nursery field. We will also incorporate comments that we receive from others and we welcome hearing from anyone with additional information, particularly if they can share any cultural information that would aid others in growing it.