Eragrostis chloromelas |
Blue Lovegrass - Grass to 2' tall w/powder blue foliage & 3' stalks of tan flowers in spring. Plant in full/part sun. Requires little irrigation. Hardy to below 0 F.
Eragrostis elliottii 'Tallahassee Sunset' |
Elliott's Lovegrass - Warm season clumping grass to 18" tall w/gray foliage & flower spikes to 3'. Plant in full sun in well drained soil w/regular irrigation.Hardy to 0 F.
Festuca amethystina 'Aprilgrün' |
April Gruen Sheep's Fescue - Clumping cool-season blue-green grass to 8-12" tall with golden flowers in spring-summer. Sun/Part shade. Low water needs. Hardy.
Festuca californica 'River House Blues' |
California Fescue - An evergreen bunch grass to 2' tall & as wide with blue-gray lvs & wands of pink flwrs in summer. Full sun/shade. Occasion/litte H2O. Hardy to 0° F
Festuca californica 'Willit's Giant' |
Giant California Fescue - Evergreen bunch grass to 3' tall & as wide wi/blue-green lvs & tall wands of summer pinkish flwrs. Full sun/shade. Occasion/litte H2O. Hardy to 0° F
Festuca glauca 'Azurit' |
Azure Blue Fescue - Evergreen grass to 12" tall with golden buff flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Very hardy.
Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' |
Elijah Blue Fescue - Cool-season grass clumping grass to 8-10" tall with golden buff flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Very hardy.
Festuca mairei |
Atlas Fescue - Evergreen clumping grass to 18-24" tall & wide w/pale gray-green lvs & early summer flwrs panicles. Sun or light shade. Occasional H2O. Hardy to -30F.
Festuca muelleri |
Mueller's Fescue - Evergreen clumping grass 6-8" tall and wide w/buff flowers in summer. Full sun to part shade (inland). Drought tolerant. Hardy.
Festuca rubra 'Point Joe' |
Point Joe Fescue - Clumping CA native grass with chalky blue foliage. Full sun/light shade. Occasional (coastal) to regular irrigation. Hardy to 0 F.
Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue' |
Siskiyou Blue Fescue - An evergreen bunch grass to 2' tall & as wide w/blue lvs & vertical stalks of flwrs spring/summer. Full sun/shade. Occasion/litte H2O. Hardy < 0° F
Glyceria maxima 'Variegata' |
Variegated Manna Grass - Grass w/bright yellow variegation to 1-2' tall. Rarely Flowers. Plant in full sun/light shade. Plant in moist soils or in water.Hardy to<15 degrees F.
Helictotrichon sempervirens |
Blue Oat Grass - Evergreen grass to 2' tall with narrow gray radiating lvs & light tan flowers in summer. Sun/Light shade. Low water needs. Hardy to <0 degrees F.
Imperata cylindrica var. koenigii 'Red Baron' |
Blood Grass - Winter-dormant grass with upright cranberry red and green leaves to 1' tall. Spreading. Full sun. Water regularly. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Leersia monandra |
Bunch Cutgrass - Clumping grass to 1-2 feet tall w/lime green foliage. Plant in cool coastal sun or light shade. Water regularly to infrequnely. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Leymus arenarius 'Glaucus' |
Blue Rye - Spreading deciduous blue-gray foliaged grass to 18-30" tall w/wheat colored flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy well <0F
degrees F.
Leymus condensatus 'Canyon Prince' |
Canyon Prince Wild Rye - Evergreen CA native spreading grass to 2-3' tall w/green foliage aging to gray & summer flwrs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Leymus condensatus 'Gaviota Gray' |
Gaviota Wild Rye - Evergreen CA native clumping grass to 4-6 feet tall w/gray foliage and tall wheat colored flwrs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Leymus triticoides Lagunita |
Lagunita™ Wild Rye - Evergreen CA native spreading grass to 12-18" tall w/ narrow green foliage. Full sun/ light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to +/-10 degrees F.
Lygeum spartum |
False Esparto Grass - Evergreen spreading grass 2-3' tall & wide w/vertical round gray-green lvs & distincti flwrs. Sun./light shade. Drought & salt tolerant. Hardy to 10F.