Pacific Plant Promotions
In the Winter 2000 issue of Pacific Horticulture the formation of Pacific Plant Promotions (PPP) was announced with the banner "Plants for a New Millennium". Originally conceived of and implemented by Kathy Musial, of the Huntington Botanic Garden and Bart O'Brien, of Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, the goal of Pacific Plant Promotions was to create a method for distributing unusual, rare or challenging plants - unattainable through normal retail channels - to plant enthusiasts. The premier plant introduction made by Pacific Plant Promotions was announced in the Spring 2000 issue of Pacific Horticulture. The plant chosen for this initial offering was Deppea splendens 'Cristóbal'.
Pacific Plant Promotions Plants we currently grow:
Agave 'Blue Flame'
Deppea splendens 'Cristóbal'
Other Pacific Plant Promotions Introductions
Catophractes alexandri
Monardella macrantha 'Marian Sampson'
Polygonatum prattii
Trochetiopsis ebenus