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Home > Products > Plant Introduction Programs > San Marcos Growers Introductions > New Plants for 2011

 New Plants for 2011


Each year San Marcos Growers adds new plants to its product line. Often these plants represent new plant introductions into the nursery trade. In some cases these "new plants" have been grown before by us and/or by other nurseries and we have decided to grow them again. It is often because of input from our customers that we decide to grow certain plants and we encourage our customers to contact us to let us know if there are plants that they think we should grow. In 2011 we added the following plants into production. For the current year's new plants and links to other years' new plants please see NEW 2024 Plants.

Acacia cognata Cousin Itt ['Mini Cog'] PPAF
Acmena smithii
Adenanthos sericeus 'Sherwood Mist'
Aechmea recurvata var. recurvata
Aeonium 'Jack Catlin'
Aeonium nobile
Agapanthus praecox ssp orientalis Queen Mum ['PMN06'] PPAF
Agave americana var. striata
Agave attenuata 'Ray of Light'
Agave celsii var. albicans 'UCB'
Agave filifera ssp. microceps
Agave horrida
Agave lophantha 'Ruth's Gray Sword'
Agave lophantha 'Splendida'
Agave marmorata 'Rancho Soledad'
Agave ovatifolia 'Frosty Blue'
Agave parrasana x colorata
Agave pedunculifera
Agave potatorum 'Mariscal'
Agave potrerana
Agave seemanniana
Agave x leopoldii 'Hammer Time'
Alluaudia procera
Aloe barberae 'Medusa'
Aloe cameronii
Aloe chabaudii
Aloe fosteri
Aloe 'Goliath'
Aloe lutescens
Aloe pictifolia
Aloe pratensis
Aloe reitzii
Aloe wickensii
Alstroemeria 'Roselind' PP15,554
Alstroemeria 'Tara' PP14,722
Antirrhinum hispanicum
Artemisia ludoviciana 'Valerie Finnis'
Astelia nervosa 'Red Devil'
Astelia nervosa 'Westland'
Bauhinia tomentosa
Berberis nevinii
Beschorneria yuccoides 'Flamingo Glow'
Bidens ferulifolia 'Peters Goldteppich' PP12,880
Boronia 'Carousel'
Bothriochloa barbinodis
Bouteloua gracilis
Bouteloua gracilis 'Blonde Ambition' PPAF
Carex oshimensis 'Everest'
Ceanothus arboreus 'Powder Blue'
Ceanothus maritimus 'Point Sierra'
Cistus x hybridus Second Honeymoon ['Rencis'] PP 20,410
Cordyline banksii
Cordyline 'Purple Dazzler'
Correa glabra 'Coliban River'
Correa reflexa 'Kangaroo Island'
Crowea 'Festival'
Dermatobotrys saundersii
Dianella caerulea King Alfred ['John316'] PP20,794
Dichondra sericea
Dyckia 'Alice'
Echeveria diffractens
Echeveria 'Dondo'
Echeveria lutea
Echeveria 'Morning Beauty'
Echeveria 'Powder Blue'
Echeveria prolifica
Echeveria trianthina
Echinacea 'Solar Flare' PPAF
Echium candicans 'Rincon Blue'
Erythrina falcata
Euphorbia caput-medusae
Euphorbia hypericifolia Diamond Frost ['Inneuphdia'] PP17567
Euphorbia milii 'Fireworks'
Euphorbia resinifera
Euphorbia x martinii ‘Ascot Rainbow’ PP 21,401
Euphorbia xantii
Festuca californica 'River House Blues'
Festuca mairei
Festuca mairei 'Greenlee's Form'
Festuca rubra 'Point Joe'
Festuca 'Siskiyou Blue'
Frankenia thymifolia
Gerbera 'Buttermilk'
Gerbera 'Orange'
Gerbera 'Pink'
Goodenia affinis 'Little Luna' PPAF
Grevillea rhyolitica
Hardenbergia violacea Meema ['HB1'] PPAF
Hechtia sp. 'Tehuacan'
Heuchera 'Kassandra’ PP21,466
Hoya carnosa
Hypocalymma angustifolia 'Powder Puff'
Kalanchoe 'Fang'
Kalanchoe 'Fantastic' PPAF
Kalanchoe 'Oak Leaf'
Kalanchoe sexangularis
Kennedia beckxiana ‘Flamboyant’
Limonium minutum
Lygeum spartum
Mathiasella bupleuroides
Mimulus 'Georgie Red' PPAF
Mimulus 'Georgie Tangerine' PPAF
Mimulus 'Georgie White' PPAF
Mimulus 'Georgie Yellow' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Dark Pink' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Gold' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Lemon' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Orange' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Purple Pink' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Red' PPAF
Mimulus 'Jelly Bean Terracota' PPAF
Mimulus 'Valentine'
Myoporum laetum Clean n Green [‘WCN 01’] PPAF
Nolina wolfii
Oenothera speciosa 'Roseum'
Operculicarya decaryi
Ophiopogon clarkei
Otatea aztecorum 'Chica'
Ozothamnus coralloides
Pachyveria 'Scheideckeri
Passiflora edulis
Passiflora ligularis
Pennisetum spathiolatum
Philotheca salsolifolia 'Tutu'
Phyllostachys vivax 'Aureocaulis'
Plectranthus ernestii
Podocarpus totara
Portulacaria afra 'Aurea'
Prostanthera baxteri 'Lavender Moon'
Pseudopanax ferox
Rhamnus californica 'Leatherleaf'
Rhus ovata
Robinsonella cordata
Salvia 'Desperado'
Salvia farinacea 'Texas Violet'
Salvia 'Karla'
Solanum xanti 'Mountain Pride'
Symphoricarpos mollis
Thomasia grandiflora 'Mt Lesueur'
Yucca queretaroensis
Yucca rostrata 'Blue Velvet'
Yucca rostrata 'Sapphire Skies'