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  Plant Introduction Programs: Nurseries and Individuals
Many individuals have shared knowledge and plants with us over the last 20 years. Sometimes it is was by pointing out the virtues of a plant that until then we had been unaware and other times a special plant was sold or given to us. The list below honors these many horticulturists and friends.
Robert Abe - Chia Nursery Todd Layt - Ozbreed
Sherrie Althouse - California Flora Nursery Larry Lee - Plantopia Nursery
Lee AndersonArie Lerner
Bernard Aquistapace - Pianta Bella NurseryRudo Lotter
Tony Avent - Plant Delight NurseryJohn Lowe - Sempervirens Botanical
Bill Baker - California Gardens Nursery (In Memorium)Steve Lowe
Mark Bartholomew - Hi-Mark Nursery (In Memorium)Ron Lutsko
Sydney BaumgartnerDon Mahoney - San Francisco Botanical Garden
John BleckDonald Matsuyama - K.M. Nursery
Kurt BluemelHeather Hunter May - Rancho Tissue Technologies
Roger BoddaertSteve McCabe - UCSC Arboretum
Jeff Bohn - Tree of Life NurserySam McCoy - Ozbreed
Larry BondDavid McCrory - Planet Horticulture
Paul Bonine - Xera PlantsPat McNeal - McNeal Growers
Karla BonoffDiana Mead - West Covina Nursery
Carol BornsteinRyan Meechan - Emerisa Gardens
Steve BrighamRon Mees - Best Plants
Tom Broome - The Cycad JungleEd Mercurio
Joe Brosius - Magic Growers NurseryFred Meyer (In Memorium)
Sherwin CarlquistJohn B Miller - Institute for Aloe Studies
Ed Carman - Carman's Nursery (In Memorium)Luen Miller - Monterey Bay Nursery
Ann Chandler - Cornflower FarmsTim Mitchell
Phillip E. Chandler - (In Memorium)Manuel Morales - Monterey Bay Nursery
Chris Chaney - Mesa Ranch NurseryKathy Musial - Huntington Botanic Garden
Jeff ChemnickEric Nagelmann
Betsy ClebschRick Nowakowski - Natures Curiosity Shop - (In Memorium)
Barbara CoeTom Nuccio - Nuccio's Nursery
Marilyn Cohen - Marilyn's GardenBart O'Brien - Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden
Tom ColeJo O'Connell - Australian Native Plants
Daryll CombsScott Ogden
Jim ComstockMarshall Olbrich (In Memorium)
Paul ComstockKen Opiat
Dan CondonRich Ouellet
Jim ConnerDan Ovadia
Dave Conway (In Memorium)Robin Parer - Geraniaceae
Glynne CouvillionBill Paylen (In Memorium)
Mike Craib - Suncrest NurseryAl Peiler
Patricia CullinanDennis Perry - Perry's Panorama
Morten DamstedRobert Perry
Rick DarkeRich Persoff
Owen DellRick and Diane Price - JR Growers
Angela DellavalleJim Prine (In Memorium)
Tony DiNuzzoJanet Rademacher - Mountain States Nsy
Barbara Dobbin-DaviesJohn Rader - EuroAmerican Propagators
Marcia DonahueRoger Raiche - Berkeley Botanic Garden
Richard DoutGilbert Ramirez
Diane DunhillGary Ratway & Deborah Whigham - Digging Dog Nursery
Kathy EcholsBruce Reed - Santa Barbara Botanic Garden
Rodger and Gwen ElliotAllen Repashy - Xeric Growers
Tom EltzrothDoug Richardson
Dara Emery (In Memorium)Wayne Roderick (In Memorium)
Helen Englesberg - UCSC ArboretumJeff & Lisa Rosendale - Rosendale Nursery
Mike Evans - Tree of Life NurseryBaron Rugge
Ralph Evans - Botanical PartnersDavid Salman - Santa Fe Greenhouses
Bob Everett - RME HorticulturalRachel Saunders - Silverhill Seed Company
Phil FavellCarl Schoenfeld - Yucca Do Nursery - Out of order
Mike FlahertyJohn Schoustra - Greenwood Gardens
Dave FrantzRudolf Schulz
Dave Fross - Native Sons NurseryGunther Schwarz (In Memorium)
Ilie GacuGunther Schwarz (In Memorium)
Jeff & Keene GallupJoe Seals
Ron GarberDennis Shaw (In Memorium)
Barry Glick - Sunshine Farm & GardensJim Sherman - Sherman Nursery
John Goetz - San Simeon NurseryJoseph Simcox
Gary Gragg - Golden Gate Palms & ExoticsSimple
Robert Greenberg - CycadiaLili Singer
Isabelle GreeneMark Sitter - B&B Cactus Farm
John Greenlee - Greenlee NurseryM. Nevin Smith - Suncrest Nursery - out of order
Tim GregoryRay Sodomka - Turk Hessellund Nursery
Dave GressJoe Solomone (In Memorium)
Kelly Griffin - Rancho Soledad NurseryJerry Sortomme
Austin Griffiths (In Memorium)Steve Spangler - Exotica Nursery
Paul GrippGreg Speichert - Crystal Palace Perennials
Brett Hall - UCSC ArboretumGreg Starr - Starr Nursery
Ryan Hall - Pacific Plug and LinerAngus Stewart
Don Hamburger - AquashereMartin Stockton - First Step Greenhouses
Gary Hammer - Glendale Paradise NurseryRobin Stockwell - Succulent Gardens
Keith HammettGlenn Stokes - Stokes Tropicals
Dylan Hannon - Huntington Botanic GardenVictor Suarez - Ricardo's Nursery
Hans HansenBob Sussman - Matilija Nursery
Don and Dave HarrisDanny Takao - Takao Nursery
Graham HarrisBrian Tapeiner - Valley Heart Nursery
Tom Hawkins - FlorasourceBill Teague (In Memorium)
Virginia Hayes - LotuslandCarol Terry
Dan Heims - Terra Nova NurseryJohn Trager - Huntington Botanic Garden
Marylyn HendersonScott Trees - Ball Horticulture
Dan HinkleyDavid Tufenkian
Sean Hogan - Cistus NurseryMike Tully - Terra Sol Nursery
Bob Hornback - Muchas GrassesMargie Tyre - Entyrely Awesome Plants
George HullBruce Van Dyke
Ginny Hunt - SeedHuntPhil Van Soelen - California Flora Nursery
Paul Hutchison (In Memorium)Dutch Vandervort
SeongJu HwangAlice Waidhofer
John IngramRay Walch (In Memorium)
Bruce and Suzi Ironmonger - Cycad CenterJoe Walker - Oba Verde Growers
Paul Isley - Rainforest FloraRichard Ward - The Dry Garden
Gary JamesErnie Wasson
Ariana JansmaLoran M. Whitelock
Phil JohnsonNick Wilkinson - Grow Nursery
Margaret Jones - New Zealand Flax HybridizersGlen Williams
Frank Jordano (In Memorium)Lynn Woodbury
Gene Joseph - Plants for the SouthwestFred and Helen Woodley (In Memorium)
Herb Kelly - Kelly's Plant WorldLaurel Woodley
Brian Kemble - Ruth Bancroft GardenGuy Wrinkle
Ted Kipping - Tree ShaperKristin Yanker-Hansen
Harold KoopowitzVictor Yool - Berkeley Hort
Melinda Anne Kralj - UCSC ArboretumArkady Zak - La Cienega Nursery
Tony Krock - Terra Sol Garden CenterDoug and Dick Zylstra - West Covina Nurseries
Scott Kunst - Old House Gardens