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Amorphophallus titanum in the Huntington Garden greenhouse |
While down at the Huntington
Botanic Gardens new Botanical Center for the Clivia Symposium on March 10-11, 2001 we got the chance to visit one of the new greenhouses with curator of plants Kathy Musial. We chanced on to Amorphophallus titanum while the fog system was on and Kathy graciously posed for this picture. This spectacular Aroid gained
the Huntington much media publicity in the summer of 1999 when it flowered after its decades-long dormancy as well as its pungent odor of decay. A picture of Amorphophallus titanum flowering at Kew can be seen on the International Bulb Societies Web Site. San Marcos Growers was fortunate to receive seed of Amorphophallus titanum when "Tiny", the Titan Lily at UCSB set viable seed after being pollinated when flowering in 2002. We sold out our crop of these seedlings and await the time that we will again begin to offer it.
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