Aloe acutissima |
Blue Aloe - Shrub aloe to 3' tall by 4+ feet wide w/pale blue-green leaves & orange flowers in winter. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.
Aloe acutissima var. antanimorensis |
Dwarf Blue Aloe - Groundcove aloe to 1' tall by 4' wide w/pale blue-green leaves & orange flowers in winter. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 25-30F.
Aloe affinis |
Succulent w/ solitary rosettes to 2-3' tall/wide & 3' tall stalks of orange-red flowers in winter. Full/ part sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 22F.
No longer in production
Aloe africana |
Spiny Aloe - Small tree-like single stemmed Aloe to 6' tall orange & yellow flwrs winter-spring. Full sun. Occasional summer water. Hardy to 25F.
Aloe albiflora |
White-flowered Aloe - Small 1' tall succulent w/narrow gray-green lvs & light orange budded white flwrs in fall. Full sun-light shade. Occasional irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
[Guillauminia albiflora]
Aloe alooides |
Graskop Aloe - Short unbranched tree aloe to 7' w/recurved green lvs & winter spikes of yellow flwrs. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Some summer H20. Hardy to 25F
[Urginea alooides, Notosceptrum alooides]
Working on this plant but not yet available
Aloe antandroi |
Antandroi Aloe - Small clambering succulent to 2-3' tall w/support w/thin gray-brown lvs spotted white & orange fall flwrs. Full coastal sun. Litte H20. Hardy to 25F.
[A. antandroy, Gasteria antandroi]
No longer in production
Aloe arborescens |
Torch Aloe - Large shruby succulent to 6-9' tall & wide w/recurved lvs & coral-red flwrs in fall/winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 22 F.
Aloe arborescens 'Lutea' |
Golden Torch Aloe - Succulent. Full Sun(Coast)/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Yellow inflorescence from late fall through winter. 5' x 5' Hardy to 22 degrees F
[Aloe arborescens 'Lutea' #2]
Aloe arborescens 'Spineless' |
Toothless Torch Aloe - Shruby aloe to 4-6+' tall & wide w/recurved toothless lvs & coral-red flwrs in fall/winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 22 F.
Aloe arborescens var. mzimnyati |
Dwarf Torch Aloe - Shruby succulent to 2-3' tall & wide w/recurved lvs & orange flwrs in winter. Full Sun/Light Shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 22 F.
Working on this plant but not yet available
Aloe arenicola |
Sand Aloe - Unique low crawling succulent w/spotted blue-green leaves and orange flowers in summer. Full sun. Well-drained soil. Little H20. Hardy to 25F.
Aloe aristata |
Lace Aloe - Clumping aloe <1' tall w/tight rosettes of white spotted lvs & spring-summer orange flwrs. Full/part sun. Good drainage. Infrequent H20. Hardy to 15F.
[Aristaloe aristata]
Aloe bakeri |
Baker's Aloe - Clumping w/small rosettes of red-green lvs & unbranched stems of yellow & apricot flwrs in fall. Full sun/shade. Little irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
[Guillauminia bakeri]
Aloe bakeri 'Yellow' |
Yellow Baker's Aloe - Clumping w/small rosettes of red-green lvs & unbranched stems of yellow flwrs in fall. Full sun/shade. Little irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
Aloe barberae |
Tree Aloe - Succulent tree. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Rose-pink inflorescence in late fall/ early winter. Grows to 30'. 25-30 degrees F. [Aloe bainesii]
[Aloe bainesii, Aloidendron barberae]
Aloe bellatula |
Fianarantsoa Aloe - Small aloe w/narrow white spotted bronze lvs & winter coral red flwrs. Full coastal sun/light shade. Well-drained soil. Occasional H20. Hardy to 28F
Aloe betsileensis |
Betsileo Aloe - Solitary rosette of blue-green lvs blush maroon. Winter w/yellow flwrs. Plant in full sun. Well drained soil. Occasionally to little H2O. Hardy to 28F
No longer in production
Aloe 'Big Mac' |
Large shrub to 4-5' w/spotted red flushed dull green lvs and red flowers in spring. Full sun. Little to occasional water. Hardy to 25F.
["that big maculate aloe"]
Aloe 'Birds and Bees' |
Shrubby succulent 6+' tall & wide w/gray-green recurved lvs & winter orange budded yellow flwrs. Full sun. Little irrigation. Hardy to at least 27F.
[Aloe Birds and Bees #1]
Aloe 'Blue Elf' |
Dwarf clumping Aloe with blue-gray foliage to 18" tall and orange flowers winter-spring. Plant in full sun. Little irrigation required. Hardy to 20F.
[A. "California Aloe", A. 'Blue Boy']
Aloe brevifolia |
Short-leaved Aloe - Succulent clumps to 1' tall w/ 3 1/2" rosettes of spiny lvs & orange-scarlet flowers in late spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 25-30 F.
Aloe brevifolia var. depressa |
Large Short-leaved Aloe - Succulent clumps to 1' tall w/ 6" wide rosettes of spiny lvs & orange-scarlet flowers in late spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy 25-30 F.
Aloe 'Bright Ember' |
Griffin Bright Ember Hybrid Aloe - Small upright plant 6-8" tall & wide w/bright green lvs w/yellow dashes & orange winter flwrs. Sun/light shade. Occasional/Lite H20. Hardy to 25F.
No longer in production
Aloe 'Brown Betty' |
To 8 inches tall w/rosettes of brown white spotted lvs that age green & salmon flwrs. Sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 30F.
Aloe 'Brown-Powys 21' |
Low spreading rosettes of blue-green spotted leaves blushed purple-brown. Orange flws in spring Shade/Sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25 F.
No longer in production
Aloe buhrii |
Elias Buhr's Aloe - Solitary stemless plant 1 1/2' tall w/pale green lvs blushed purple. Yellow-orange flwrs in spring. Sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25 F.
No longer in production
Aloe bulbillifera var. paulianae |
Solitary rosettes to 2 feet tall & wide w/green lvs & wands of yellow & orange flwrs in winter. Cool sun/ shade. Occasional H2O..Hardy to 25F.
Aloe bussei |
Low suckering aloe w/20" wide rosettes of shiny orange tinged lvs & summer spikes red fls. Full sun. Occasional H2O. Hardy to 25F.
[A. morogoroensis]
Aloe cameronii |
Red Aloe - Rosette forming succulent w/narrow reddish brown lvs and dark orange-red flwrs in winter. Plant in full sun. Little H2O. Hardy to 25F.