Bambusa beecheyana |
Beechey Bamboo - Bamboo. To 50' tall with 5” culms. Clumping with large arching stems. Give occasional irrigation. Full sun. Hardy to 15 degrees F.
Bambusa dolichomerithalla 'Green Stripe' |
Green Stripe Blowgun Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 25' tall with 2" wide yellow-green culms with a dark green stripe. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 25F.
Bambusa lako |
Timor Black Bamboo - Large upright tropical clumping bamboo to 20-30' tall with dark black culms. Plant in full sun. Water and fertilize regularly. Hardy to 25F.
Bambusa malingensis |
Seabreeze Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 35' tall w/ 2 1/2" wide (usually smaller) dark green culms w/small dark green leaves. Full sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 21F.
Bambusa multiplex 'Alphonso-Karr' |
Alphonse Karr Bamboo - Clumping bamboo with green striped yellow culms to 25' tall by 1 1/2" wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F.
Bambusa multiplex 'Golden Goddess' |
Golden Goddess Bamboo - Clumping Bamboo with thin green culms to 6'-10' tall by 1/2” wide. Sun/Light Shade. Give occasional irrigation. Hardy to 12 degrees F.
Bambusa multiplex 'Riviereorum' |
Chinese Goddess Bamboo - A fine textured small clumping bamboo to 6' tall with ¼” culms. Sun/Light Shade. Medium water needs. Hardy to 12 degrees F. Great container bamboo!
Bambusa oldhamii |
Giant Timber Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 55' tall w/4" wide straight vertical culms. Full sun. Low water needs but best if given an occasional irrigation. 15 degrees F.
Bambusa textilis |
Weaver's Bamboo - Tight clumping bamboo to 40' tall w/ 2" wide pale green culms w/ light blue cast - arches gracefully. Full sun. Moderate water needs. To 10-15 F.
Bambusa ventricosa |
Buddha's Belly Bamboo - A tight clumping and arching bamboo to 12-15' tall w/ 1" wide green culms that bulge at nodes. Full/part sun. Moderate water needs. To 20-25 F.
Bambusa vulgaris 'Vittata' |
Painted Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 30-50' with 4" wide golden culms striped with green that arch over toward tips. Full sun. Occasional water. Hardy to 27 degrees F.
Borinda fungosa |
Chocolate Bamboo - Medium small sized clumping bamboo w/dark chocolate brown culms & clusters of narrow leaves. Full coastal sun/ light shade. Regular H2O. Hardy to 15F.
Chimonobambusa quadrangularis |
Square Bamboo - Running bamboo to 15-20' tall with 1" wide square green culms. Coastal sun/ light shade. Regular to occasional irrigation. Hardy to 15 F.
Chusquea coronalis |
Mexican Climbing Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 15' tall w/arching ¾” culms bearing tiny leaves encircling culm. Sun/Light shade. 8'-15' tall. Water regularly. Hardy to 25 F.
Dendrocalamus asper |
Giant Burmese Timber Bamboo - Large clumping bamboo to 60'+ (100') tall w/ 8" culms. Full sun. Moderate water needs. Hardy to 23 degrees F. Shoots edible.
Hibanobambusa tranquillans 'Shiroshima' |
Shiro-shima-inyo - Slender stem, running bamboo to 10-15' tall with 4-6" long green & white striped lvs. Part sun. Irrigate occasionally. Hardy below 0 F.
Himalayacalamus falconeri 'Damarapa' |
Candy-Stripe Bamboo - Clumping bamboo to 20-30 ft tall with up to 2” wide green, striped w/ yellow culms that blush pink in spring. Cool sun/light shade. Hardy to 15 F
Himalayacalamus hookerianus |
Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 12-18' tall with up to 3/4" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F.
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Baby Blue' |
Dwarf Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 5-7' tall with up to 1/4" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F.
Himalayacalamus hookerianus 'Teague's Blue' |
Blue Bamboo - Beautiful clumping bamboo to 15-20' tall with up to 1" culms with blue dusting and dark green leaves. Part sun/ light shade. Hardy to 15 F.