Hesperoyucca whipplei |
Our Lord's Candle - Succulent with rosettes to 2' tall by 4' wide with narrow gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F.
Hesperoyucca whipplei 'RBG' |
Large Our Lord's Candle - Succulent w/rosettes to 4' tall by 5' wide w/narrow silver-gray leaves. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 10 degrees F. [Hesperoyucca whipplei]
Yucca aloifolia 'Marginata' |
Golden Spanish Dagger - Succulent to 10' tall w/pink tinged cream margined rigid lvs. White flwrs. Full sun/light shade. Drought tolerant. Well drained soil. Hardy to 10 F.
Yucca brevifolia 'Wikieup Form' |
Arizona Joshua Tree - Tree-like plant to 35' but much smaller in cultivation w/sharp blue-green leave and cream flowers. Full Sun. Little H20. Hardy <0F.
Yucca Bright Star ['Walbristar'] PP17,653 |
Bright Star Yucca - Succulent w/18" tall by 3' wide rosettes of brighly yellow margined leaves. Plant in full sun. Occasional to regular irrigation. Hardy to 0F.
Yucca elata |
Soap Plant - Tree-like succulent 6-20' tall w/rigid lvs and white flowers in spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to below 0 degrees F.
Yucca elephantipes |
Giant Yucca - Large succulent tree to 15-25' tall w/ large base and white flowers in spring-summer. Hardy to <15 degrees F. Yucca gloriosa, Hort.
Yucca elephantipes 'Marginata' |
Variegated Giant Yucca - Large succulent to 15-25' w/ variegated lvs & white flwrs spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <15 degrees F. Yucca gloriosa, Hort.
Yucca elephantipes 'Variegata' |
Variegated Giant Yucca - Large succulent to 15-25' w/strongly variegated lvs & white flwrs spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Yucca endlichiana |
Patilla Yucca - Succulent to 1 foot tall with upright gray leaves from tuberous caudex. Red flowers near base in spring. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to <15F
Yucca glauca |
Small Soapweed - Evergreen succulent 2-3' tall & wide w/ pale green upright lvs & green-cream flwrs in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to <15 degrees F.
Yucca gloriosa var. recurvifolia |
Curveleaf Yucca - Evergreen succulent 6 to 10' tall w/penulous tip gray-green lvs & spring-summer large white flwrs. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 20-25F.
Yucca gloriosa 'Variegata' |
Variegated Mound Lily - Evergreen succulent 6-8' tall w/green narrow cream margined lvs blushing pink in winter. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Yucca linearifolia |
Linear-leaf Yucca - Single trunked plant to 4+' tall w/narrow gray-green leaves. Plant in full sun in well drained soil. Little/no H2O required. Hardy to at least 25 F.
Yucca pallida |
Pale-leaf Yucca - Rosette forming succulent to 20" tall by 30" wide with pale blue-green lvs & white flwrs in spring. Well drained soil. Drought tolerant. Hardy <-10 F.
Yucca 'Pomona Cream Margin' |
Large succulent to 15-25' w/cream margined green lvs & white flwrs spring-summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 25 degrees F.
Yucca queretaroensis |
Queretaro Yucca - Single stemmed plant to 12' tall w/very narrow bright green lvs. Full sun. Good drainage. Little Irrigation required. Hardy to 15F (perhaps less).
Yucca recurvifolia 'Gold Ribbons' |
Evergreen succulent. Branched stems to 4-6' have yellow and green leaves w/white flowers in summer. Full sun. Drought tolerant. 20-25 degrees F.
Yucca rigida |
Blue Yucca - Succulent to12' tall w/upright rigid gray lvs & white flwrs on 2' spikes in spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 degrees F.
Yucca rostrata |
Big Bend Yucca - Slow growing succulent usually w/unbranched stems 12-15' tall & flexible gray leaves. White flwrs in spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 0 F.
Yucca rostrata 'Blue Velvet' |
Big Bend Yucca - Slow growing succulent w/stems 6-12' tall of 4' wide rosettes of flexible blue-gray lvs. White flwrs in spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. To 0 F.
Yucca rostrata 'Sapphire Skies' |
Big Bend Yucca - Slow growing succulent usually w/unbranched stems 12-15' tall & flexible blue gray lvs. White flwrs in spring. Full sun. Drought tolerant. To 0 F.
Yucca 'Silver Anniversary' PP31,437 |
Yucca 'Silver Anniversary - Clumping 2-3' tall by 4' wide w/rosettes of silver-blue lvs. Cream spring flwrs on red stalks. Full sun. Well drained soil. Little H2O. Hardy to 0F.
Yucca x queretaroensis 'RTT' |
Single stemmed plant to 12' tall w/narrow bright green lvs. Full sun. Good drainage. Little Irrigation required. Hardy to 15F (perhaps less).