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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Grass-like

Plant Category: Grass-like
An artificial classification that groups plants together by their resemblance to true grasses. As with the grasses (excluding Bamboo), they are all herbaceous monocotyledonous plants with narrow strap shaped leaves. They are often used interchangeably with grasses in the landscape and many horticultural references and nursery catalogs lump them all together as “Ornamental Grasses”. Also see our Bog Plant Page for more information.
now showing 1 - 20 of 142 << back | next >>
Acorus calamus 'Variegatus' Striped Sweet Flag - Spreading herbaceous perennial to 2-3' tall w/yellow variegated lvs. Plant in saturated soil or 6" deep in water. Keep moist. Very hardy (-30F) 
Acorus gramineus 'Golden Lion' Golden Lion Calamus - Grass-like perennial to 12 in. tall w/fans of pure yellow folliage. Full coastal sun to light shade. Moderate to high water needs. Hardy <0 F. 
Acorus gramineus 'Ogon' Yellow-leaved Calamus - Grass-like perennial to 12 in. tall w/fans of yellow folliage. Full sun to light shade. Moderate to high water needs. Hardy <0 degrees F. 
Acorus gramineus 'Pusillus' Dwarf Sweet Flag - Grass-like clumping perennial to 2-4" tall w/narrow green lvs. Sun to light shade. Regular irrigation to moist conditions. Hardy to <0 degrees F. 
Acorus gramineus 'Variegatus' Sweet Flag - Grass-like perennial. Full sun to light shade. Keep moist. Grows to 6-12 inches tall and slowly spreads. Hardy to <15 degrees F. Bog ok. 
Barbacenia purpurea Purple Vellozia - Grass-like plant w/dark green erect lvs & star-shaped purple flwrs in late spring. Light shade. Very well drained soil. Ample H2O. Hardy to 28-30F. 
Baumea rubiginosa 'Variegata' Variegated Striped Rush - Evergreen sedge-like plant with yellow striped narrow vertical leaves to 1-2' tall. Full to partial sun. Can grow in water. 0-10 degrees F. 
Cannomois grandis Bell Reed - Grass-like plant to 7' tall w/red culm sheaths & drooping hairlike leaves. Full/part sun in well drained acidic soil. Regular water. To mid 20'sF? 
Cannomois grandis "Large Seed Form" Tall Bell Reed - Grass-like plant to 15' tall w/red culm sheaths & drooping hairlike leaves. Full/part sun in well drained acidic soil. Regular water. To mid 20'sF? 
Carex albula Frosty Curls Hair Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 8-12 inches tall. Reseeds about in the garden. Full to part sun. Water regularly. Hardy to 0-10 degrees F. 
Carex appressa Tall Sedge - Tall grass-like plant 2-3' tall w/narrow bright green arching leaves and brown spikes of flowers. Full/part sun. Drought tolerant. Hardy to 18F. 
Carex brunnea Narrow Sedge - Grass-like plant w/neat tight clumps to 1 foot tall w/ thin dark green leaves. Give regular water. Full sun, light shade hardy to 10-15 F. 
Carex brunnea 'Variegata' Golden-Edged Sedge - Grass-like plant w/neat tight clumps to 1 foot tall w/ thin pale yellow variegated leaves. Give regular water. Full sun, light shade hardy to 10-15 F. 
Carex buchananii Curly Top Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant with red-brown erect foliage to 2 feet tall. Sun/light Shade. Water regularly. Hardy to <15 degrees F. 
Carex 'Chisai' Chisai California Sedge - Short fine green sedge to 6" tall - spreads by rhizomes. A great meadow "grass". Full sun to light shade. Regular/occasional irrigation. Hardy to 10F. 
Carex divulsa [C. tumulicola, Hort.] European Grey Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 2' wide x18" tall '. Brown flower in spring. Sun/Shade. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy <0 degrees F. 
Carex elata 'Bowles Golden' Golden Variegated Sedge - Semi-evergreen sedge with bright yellow foliage. Color fades later in season. Part sun. Keep moist. 2'x3'. Hardy to <15 degrees F 
Carex flacca Blue Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 6" tall and spreading w/blue-green lvs. Sun/Light Shade. Low-High water needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F. [C. glauca] 
Carex flacca 'Blue Zinger' Blue Zinger Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 12-20" tall by 2' w/blue-green lvs. Sun/Light Shade. Low-High water needs. Hardy to 0 degrees F. [C. glauca] 
Carex harfordii 'Tunitas Creek' Harford's Sedge - Evergreen grass-like plant to 18' tall by as wide. Green flower in spring. Sun/Shade. Regular to occasional watering. Hardy 10 degrees F. 
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