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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Cycad

Plant Category: Cycad
These primitive slow growing cone bearing plants superficially look like a palm or tree fern but are not related the either. Their dissected leaves, which are usually stiff, leathery and often spine tipped emerge as a crown of foliage only periodically or annually. A great addition to the tropical or dry landscape. Also see our Cycad Page for more information.
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Ceratozamia hildae Bamboo Cycad - Vigorous mexican cycad to 4 feet tall w/interesting bow-tie like pairs of leaves. Shade/part sun. Regular irrigation. Hardy to 20F. 
Cycas panzhihuaensis Panzhihua Sago Palm - Slow growing cycad to 4 to 8'+ w/many 4' long grayish blue-green leaves. Plant in full sun. Irrigate regularly. Evergreen to 20F and hardy to 7F. 
Cycas thouarsii Madagascar Sago - Fast growing cycad to 4 to 8'+ w/many 5' long green leaves. Plant in light shade/morning sun. Irrigate regularly. Hardy to 25F (short duration) 
Dioon edule Cycad - Cycad with very slow growth to 6' tall by 4-6' wide. Full (coastal) to part sun. Water occasionally. Hardy to at least 18 degrees F. 
Dioon rzedowskii Rzedowsk's Cycad - Mexican cycad to 15' tall by 8' wide w/5' glossy green leaves. Full to part sun. Water moderately to occasionally. Hardy to 20-25 degrees F. 
Encephalartos altensteinii Prickly Cycad, Bread Tree - Evergreen cycad. Full sun. Low water needs. 10-16 ft. Hardy to 30-32 degrees F. 
Encephalartos horridus Spiny Kafirbread - Cycad from South Africa with spiny blue-gray foliage growing to 18 -24" tall. Full sun. Low water needs. 2-6' tall. Frost Hardy. 
Encephalartos lebomboensis Piet Retief Cycad - Medium sized green cycad growing to 12 feet tall 1 to many stems. Full sun. Low water needs. 8-12 ft tall. Hardy to 30 -32 degrees F. 
Encephalartos lehmannii Karoo Cycad - South African cycad with beautiful blue-gray foliage to 3-5 feet tall. Full sun. Low water needs. Hardy to 25-30 degrees F 
Encephalartos longifolius Long leafed Cycad - Medium sized cycad which grows to 14' tall with long blue-green recurved leaves. Smaller in cultivation. Full sun, low water, hardy to 26 F. 
Encephalartos longifolius 'Joubertina Blue' Blue Long-leafed Cycad - Medium sized cycad which grows to 14' tall with long bluish recurved leaves. Smaller in cultivation. Full sun, low water, hardy to 26 F. 
Encephalartos natalensis Natal Giant Cycad - Natal giant cycad grows 20' tall with variable leaf size. Smaller in cultivation. Full sun, low water, hardy to 25 F. 
Encephalartos princeps Kei Cycad - Evergreen cycad. Full Sun. Low Water Needs. Grows up to 12 feet tall. Tolerates moderate frosts. 
Encephalartos senticosus Lebombo Cycad - Medium sized green cycad growing to 12 feet tall 1 to many stems. Full sun. Low water needs. 8-12 ft tall. Hardy to 30 -32 degrees F. 
Lepidozamia peroffskyana Pineapple Cycad - Slow growing tall cycad to 12' or more w/long luxiourios green leaves. Cool sun/bright shade. Occasional H20. Hardy to 25F. 
Macrozamia johnsonii New South Wales Macrozamia - Large upright palm-like plant to 10 feet with graceful arching 5' long leaves. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to 20 F. 
Macrozamia moorei Carnarvon Gorge Macrozamia - Large upright palm-like plant to 10 feet with graceful arching 5' long leaves. Full sun/light shade. Well drained soil. Hardy to 20 F. 
Zamia furfuracea Sago Cycas, Cardboard Palm - A clustering cycad w/leafy stems to 3-4 by 2-4' wide. Sun/Light shade. Regular watering spring through fall. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
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