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Products > Plants - Browse By Plant Category > Tropical

Plant Category: Tropical
This artificial category lumps together large growing evergreen plants that lack the woody tissue that would otherwise categorize them as a palm, shrub or tree. Lush plants such as a Banana or Philodendron are placed in this category. Similar plants such as the Yucca that grow in more xeric conditions are placed in “Succulent”.
now showing 1 - 20 of 25 << back | next >>
Anthurium cerrobaulense Oaxacan Anthirium - Tropoical looking w/leathery lobed leaves, green flwrs w/red fruits. A rare aroid from Mexicothat. Bright shade. Container Plant.. Hardy to 25-30F. 
Callisia fragrans Basket Plant - Low growing perennial with long green and maroon lvs. Plant in part sun (more maroon) to full shade. Water regularly. Hardy to 30-32 F. 
Colocasia esculenta 'Black Magic' Black Taro - Dusty charcoal, black leaves on dark burgundy stems. Excellent for the tropical, aquatic garden. Sun or part shade. 5 ft. tall. Root hardy to 0 F 
Colocasia esculenta 'Black Runner' Black Taro - Dusty charcoal-black leaves on dark burgundy stems. Spreads by runners. Excellent for tropical, aquatic garden. Sun/ part shade. 4 ft. tall. 15-20 F 
Colocasia esculenta 'Fontanesii' Black Taro - Aquatic perennial 4-6' tall w/black petioled dark green lvs. Full (coastal) to part sun. Saturated soil to 12" deep in water. Hardy to 30-32F. 
Colocasia esculenta var. antiquorum 'Illustris' Imperial Taro - Dramatic perennial 3-6' tall with dark purple leaves w/ green veins. Hardy to mid 20's. Evergreen in frost free areas. Reg. water. Perfect for ponds. 
Colocasia multiflora Red Stemmed Taro - Brilliant red stems with large, dark green leaves to 4 ft. tall. Perfect for the tropical, aquatic garden. Sun or light shade. Hardy to 15-20 F. 
Ensete ventricosum 'Maurelii' Red Banana - Tropical ornamentail banana to 20' tall by 15' wide large red leaves. Full sun/Light shade. Regular water. Hardy to 25 degrees F. 
Hedychium coronarium White Ginger - Perennial to 6'x4' with fragrant white flowers in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular watering. Root hardy to 10 degrees F. 
Hedychium flavescens Yellow Ginger - Perennial. Light shade. Regular water. Pale yellow flowers in summer-fall. 8' tall. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F. 
Hedychium gardnerianum Kahili Ginger - Perennial to 8' tall with yellow flowers with red stamens in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular water. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F. 
Hedychium greenei Red Ginger - Perennial. Red undersides of leaves and Orange-red flowers in summer-fall. Light shade. Regular watering. Root hardy to 10 degrees F. 
Hedychium spicatum var. acuminatum Ginger Lily - Perennial to 3 -4' tall with coral orange flowers in summer-fall. 25-30 degrees F. Light shade. High Water Needs. Root hardy to 10F. 
Hedychium x moorei 'Tara' Tara Ginger - Vigorous hardy ginger growing to 6-8' tall with fragrant orange red flowers. Full sun/light shade. Water regularly. Root hardy to 15-20 degrees F. 
Heliconia schiedeana Lobster Claw/ Parrot's Beak - Herbaceous tropical plant to 6-8' tall. Red and yellow bracts in spring. Light shade. High water needs. Hardy to 30-32 degrees F. 
Musa 'Ice Cream' Ice Cream Banana - Evergreen perennial to 15-18' tall. Burgundy flowers in summer followed by clusters of sweet fruit. Full sun. High water needs. 20-25 degrees F. 
Musella lasiocarpa Golden Lotus Banana - Unusual perennial to 3-4 ft tall with gray-green broad lance shaped foliage and large yellow flowers. Plant in sun/ shade. Hardy to at least 10 F. 
Philodendron Xanadu™ ['Winterbourn'] Winterbourn Philodendron - Evergreen tropical plant to 2' tall & spreading to 2-4' wide. Plant in bright shade to part sun. Irrigate regularly. Hardy to 25 F. 
Sincoregelia 'Galactic Warrior' Galactic Warrior Bromeliad - Evergreen bromeliad to 1' tall w/narrow white margined lvs flushed red &violet flwrs. Full sun/part shade. Occasional H20. Hardy to 30F. 
Strelitzia nicolai Giant Bird of Paradise - Evergreen tree-like perennial to 30' w/banana-like lvs & white & blue flowers year-round. Full sun. Water occasionally. Hardy to 28 degrees F . 
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